CURRENT POSITION: Professor of Political Science
School of Political Science & Economics, Waseda University, Tokyo, JAPAN


L.L.B.(1981) Kyoto University

L.L.M.(1983) Kyoto University

Ph.D. (Government)(1994) Cornell University


Fulbright Scholar (1984-1987)

Nitobe Fellow (1992-1994)


Associate Professor, Kobe University, Faculty of Law 1987-1994

Professor, Kobe University, Faculty of Law 1995-2004

Visiting Scholar, Stockholm University, 1992

Visiting Associate Professor, Cornell University Department of Government 1993

Adjunct Professor, Stanford Japan Center (Kyoto), 1996-2003

Adjunct Professor, Institute of Social Science Research, University of Tokyo, 2000-2002

Adjunct Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, 2003

Faculty Fellow, The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, 2002-2004

Visiting Professor, Institute of European Studies, University of British Columbia 2012-2014

Advisory Board Member, Journal of Japanese Studies, 1999-2004

Editorial Board Member, Governance, 2002-



  • Local Government Development in Postwar Japan, Oxford University Press, 2001 (Co-editors with Michio Muramatsu and Farrukh Iqbal).
  • Ikuo Kume, Disparaged Success: Labor Politics in Postwar Japan, Cornell University Press, 1998.

Journal Articles:

  • Megumi Naoi & Ikuo Kume, "Workers or Consumers? A Survey Experiment on the Duality of Citizens’ Interests in the Politics of Trade" Comparative Political Studies, September 2015; 48 (10).
  • Megumi Naoi & Ikuo Kume, “Explaining Mass Support for Agricultural Protectionism: Evidence from a Survey Experiment During the Global Recession” International Organization, Vol.65-4, 2011.
  • Ellen M. Immergut and Ikuo Kume, editors, Crises of Governance: Institutions and the Politics of Change in Japan and Europe (Special Issue: Governance Vol. 19-1, 2006)
  • Kathleen Thelen & Ikuo Kume, "Coordination as a Political Problem in Coordinated Market Economies" Governance Vol 19-1, 2006.
  • "Politics of Institutional Complementality: Unbundling the Japanese Management System?" Kobe University Law Review: International Edition, No.37, 2003.
  • "The effects of globalization on labor revisited: lessons from Germany and Japan," Politics & Society, 27(4), 1999. (with Kathleen Thelen)
  • "The rise of non-market training regimes: Germany and Japan compared," Journal of Japanese Studies, 25(1), pp. 33-64, 1999.(with Kathleen Thelen)
  • "Changing relations among the government, labor, and business in Japan after the oil crisis." International Organization, 42, 4: 659-687, 1988.

Articles in Book:

  • Megumi Naoi & Ikuo Kume, “Coalition of Losers: Why Agricultural Protectionism Has Survived during the Great Recession” in Politics in the New Hard Times: The Great Recession in Comparative Perspective (Cornell Studies in Political Economy) edited by Miles Kahler, David A. Lake, Cornell University Press, 2013.
  • "The Future of Nationally Embedded Capitalism: Industrial Relations in Germany and Japan" The End of Diversity? Prospects for German and Japanese Capitalism (Kozo Yamamura and Wolfgang Streeck, eds.) Cornell Studies in Political Economy: Cornell University Press, 2003.
  • "The rise of non-market training regimes: Germany and Japan compared", The Origins of Nonliberal Capitalism: Germany and Japan in Comparison (W. Streeck & K. Yamamura, eds.), Cornell University Press, 2001. with Kathleen Thelen.
  • "Institutionalizing Postwar Japanese Political Economy: Industrial Policy Revisited" in Kjeld Erik Brodsgaard and Susan Young, eds., State Capacity in East Asia: Japan, Taiwan, China and Vietnam (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000).
  • "Cooptation or New Possibility? Japanese Labor Politics in the Era of Neo-Conservatism" in Michio Muramatsu and Frieder Naschold, eds., State and Administration in Japan and Germany: A Comparative Perspective on Continuity and Change (de Gruyter, 1997).
  • "Institutionalizing the Active Labor Market Policy in Japan: A Comparative View," in Hynug-ki Kim, Michio Muramatsu, T.J.Pempel, and Kozo Yamamura, eds., Japanese Civil Service and Economic Development (Clarendon-Oxford University Press, 1995).
  • "A Tale of Twin Industries: Labor accommodation in the Japanese private sector," in Gary Allinson and Yasunori Sone, ed., Political Dynamics in Contemporary Japan, Cornell University Press, 1993.


Talks at the University of British Columbia on Japanese Elections.

Contact: kume(at)

Please use @ instead of (at) in the address.